How to Build a Diversified Portfolio

Apr 03, 2023 By Triston Martin

If you're investing for a better financial future, then you've heard that building a diversified portfolio can protect you most from market volatility. But knowing how to create one may be more complex than it sounds.

From understanding your risk tolerance to choosing from an array of investments, there's much to know about creating the kind of balanced portfolio that will best suit your individual goals and risk profile—and just how important diversification is in protecting those assets.

In this blog post, we'll explore the key principles behind effective asset allocation, looking at both the benefits and drawbacks of different investment types so that you can construct a more secure portfolio strategy with greater long-term potential. So let's jump right in and get started.

How to build a diversified portfolio

A diversified portfolio is an investment strategy involving investing in various assets to reduce risk. A diversified portfolio can help ensure that your investments are not dependent on the performance of only one asset class or individual investment.

There are several steps to building a diversified portfolio:

1. Determine your investment objectives: Decide your goals for investing, such as long-term growth, current income, or balancing risk and return. This will help determine what types of investments to include.

2. Assess your risk tolerance: Evaluate how much risk you will take with your investments. A higher risk tolerance means including riskier but potentially higher-returning investments. A lower risk tolerance would focus more on stable and conservative investments.

3. Invest in different asset classes: Include a mix of investment types, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and cash. This helps reduce the impact if one class underperforms. A balanced portfolio might include 60% stocks and 40% bonds.

4. Diversify within asset classes: Within each asset class, invest in different sectors, industries, companies, maturities, and geographies. This further reduces risk and exposure to events affecting a particular sector or region.

5. Review and rebalance: Regularly monitor your portfolio and rebalance as needed to maintain your target allocations. This can help ensure your investments align with your objectives and risk tolerance as markets fluctuate.

How to build a diversified stock portfolio

Creating a diversified stock portfolio is important to any investor's strategy. While stocks can be more volatile than other investments like bonds, having a well-diversified stock portfolio can help manage risk and generate higher returns.

Here are some key steps for building a diversified stock portfolio:

1. Assess your risk tolerance: Before investing in stocks, assess what level of risk you are comfortable with. This will help determine the types of stocks you should select for your portfolio.

2. Choose different sectors: Investing in different sector stocks can help spread out potential losses if one sector performs poorly. Consider including a mix from different industry sectors, such as technology, healthcare, consumer staples, energy, and financials.

3. Invest in different types of stocks: There are different types of stock to choose from, including blue-chip stocks (stocks from large, well-known companies), mid-cap stocks (medium-sized companies with promising growth potential), and small-cap stocks (lesser-known companies).

4. Invest in different geographies: Consider including stocks from various countries and regions. This can help reduce risk if one area experiences economic issues or political instability.

5. Rebalance your portfolio regularly: Regularly review and rebalance as needed to maintain its desired asset allocations. This can help ensure your investments align with your goals and risk tolerance as markets fluctuate.

How to build a diversified mutual fund portfolio

Mutual funds are a great way to invest in the stock market due to their diversification, professional management, and lower cost than buying individual stocks. Building a diversified mutual fund portfolio is important to any investor's financial plan.

Here are some steps for building a diversified mutual fund portfolio:

1. Assess your investment objectives and risk tolerance: Decide your goals for investing, such as long-term growth or current income. This will help determine what types of funds to include in your portfolio. Also, consider how much risk you will take with your investments.

2. Invest in different asset classes: Include a mix of equity and fixed-income funds. Equity funds invest in stocks and offer the potential for higher returns and greater risk, while fixed-income funds invest in bonds and offer more stable returns with lower risk.

3. Diversify within asset classes: Select funds from different sectors and regions within each asset class. For example, include domestic, international, large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, and sector funds.

4. Review and rebalance: Regularly monitor your portfolio and rebalance as needed to maintain the target allocations for each asset class in your portfolio. This can help ensure that your investments align with your objectives and risk tolerance as markets fluctuate.

How to build a diversified ETF portfolio

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are a cost-effective way to gain exposure to different asset classes, sectors, and regions. Building an ETF portfolio is an important to any investor's financial plan.

Here are some steps for building a diversified ETF portfolio:

1. Assess your investment objectives and risk tolerance: Decide your goals for investing, such as long-term growth or current income. This will help determine what types of ETFs to include in your portfolio. Also, consider how much risk you will take with your investments.

2. Invest in different asset classes: Include a mix of equity and fixed-income ETFs. Equity ETFs invest in stocks and offer the potential for higher returns and greater risk, while fixed-income ETFs invest in bonds and offer more stable returns with lower risk.

3. Diversify within asset classes: Select ETFs from different sectors and regions within each asset class. For example, include domestic, international, large-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, and sector ETFs.

4. Review and rebalance: Regularly monitor your portfolio and rebalance as needed to maintain the target allocations for each asset class in your portfolio. This can help ensure that your investments align with your objectives and risk tolerance as markets fluctuate.


What is an example of a diversified portfolio?

A diversified portfolio includes investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash. It should also include investments from various sectors and regions. An example of a diversified portfolio is domestic large-cap stocks, international small-cap stocks, domestic fixed-income securities, and real estate investment trusts (REITs).

How often should I rebalance my portfolio?

You should review your portfolio and rebalance it as needed to maintain the target allocations for each asset class in your portfolio. This can help ensure that your investments align with your objectives and risk tolerance as markets fluctuate. Generally, reviewing your portfolio at least once a year or whenever there has been a significant market move is good.

What are the benefits of diversifying my portfolio?

Diversifying your portfolio can mitigate risk and smooth out returns over time. By spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and regions, you can reduce the effects of short-term market volatility and increase your chances of achieving long-term investment goals.


In conclusion, diversifying your portfolio is essential for most investors who want to reduce the overall risk associated with their assets. It's especially important to be aware of asset types and investment styles that complement--and don't detract from one another when building a diversified portfolio. Determining a risk profile regarding age, time horizon, inflation protection, liquidity needs, and taxes is critical.

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